The Weekly Bento // August 13, 2021
Hi there and welcome to the Weekly Bento. I’m Yancey Strickler.
Instead of our usual run of show, this week’s issue has just one idea to share: a new tradition called Bento Day.
August 18 is Bento Day
This Wednesday, August 18, will be the first Bento Day, celebrating the date the Bento first appeared (I made this video that same day in 2018):
This Wednesday, August 18th, 2021, we will celebrate the Bento and its growing community together.
How to Participate in Bento Day
On Bento Day, we'll follow a personalized quest to honor each box of the Bento.Â
We'll do something for our selves (Now Me), our loved ones (Now Us), our future self (Future Me), and our collective future self (Future Us). These actions can be taken independently or by participating in prompts and shared experiences. For example, on Bento Day someone might:
Spend twenty minutes reading or going for a bike ride (Now Me)
Write a friend or family member and express gratitude for their companionship (Now Us)
Journal from the perspective of our future self (Future Me)
Perform an act of community service in our neighborhoods (Future Us)
By making an effort to honor these dimensions of ourselves, we become more aligned with what we most care about. We become more connected to the people around us and the future we're stepping into. Taking these simple steps even for even just one day makes a difference.
On Bento Day we’ll have a private chat space to talk and collaborate, and special moments where we’ll all come together. If you’ve never participated in a Bento event before, this is a great place to start. Everyone is welcome.
How you can help
We do so many special things together in the Bento Society that we rarely talk about. This is one to talk about.
You can help Bento Day by participating wherever you are and telling other people about its existence. Share it on social media, retweet this tweet, talk about how you’re participating. The more people who join in, the more fun it will be.
Thank you!
The Weekly Bento this Sunday
As always, we’ll be coming together this Sunday, August 15, at 12pm EST for the Weekly Bento to set our intentions for the week ahead. Join us:
The Weekly Bento
Sunday August 15
12pm EST *sharp*
Doors open at 11:55am
Peace and love my friends,
The Bento Society
The Bento Society explores the frontiers of what’s valuable and in our self-interest. We host weekly events and support projects aligned with our mission.